The debut single of German born, Copenhagen-based musician and composer, Greta, feels like your dreamy, high school, synth-pop scrapbook full of love and all that follows…

When asked about how the music video came to be she says, “I edited “Bad Lovers” myself as it’s a combination of a lot of visual footage that I had collected on my phone over time with some footage that we took during my first press shoot with Dennis Morton. He had this old handheld camera and we just played around for one whole day filming as I did things that I felt were very ‘Greta’” she laughs endearingly before going on to explain – “Initially, I hadn’t planned to make a full video for this song but when I went through all the footage I felt like it was just a perfect fit. I have a huge interest in and need for expressing myself visually and I think this video is an introduction and invitation into my visual and musical universe.

Before this “Bad Lovers” was a track that was kind of a sound collage without vocals or lyrics. I started on the song in 2016 and I couldn’t really figure out how to finish it. But then after getting into the studio with Kari (musician & producer Farao) for the first time, I became so filled up with inspiration from working with her, our recording process and also the city of Berlin itself that it was from then on that the whole song became what it is now.

I’m based in Copenhagen and I have been to Berlin so many times before because a part of my family lives here. However, it wasn’t until working with Farao on “Bad Lovers” that I started to see the city with new eyes. I really started to feel like a part of me belongs or fits in here and I have had a very strong connection ever since and longing for Berlin that I can’t really put into words.

The song itself is about losing yourself in a relationship and about asking the question of whether true love really exists. A description of a feeling or question, I guess, which everyone can relate to based on their own experience of course.”

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