Pasta Grows On Trees, aka the DIY solo French artist whom we simply know by his first name,  Simon, writes in his bio that he enjoys recording songs alone in his bedroom. However, the pun in the name doesn’t go unnoticed leaving us once again pondering the question of whether the new generation of young bedroom music producers has come from necessity or the thrills? “Les Oiseaux” (The Birds) – the title track from his new single, seamlessly gives us the answer, as we listen to its lo-fi pop meets psychedelic rock aesthetics, basking in all of the not overproduced music feels that we have come to know and love. Earlier this year Pasta Grows On Trees also released Bohemian Songs: a 9 track album recorded in Prague and released via Galaxy Train (Japan) and Doggo Agostino (Paris). What happens next? We don’t know but we can’t wait.


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