Cédric Streuli grew up in a household that encouraged a varied musical taste. From an early age, the artist — now known as Buvette — turned his ear to his father’s eclectic collection of records which spanned everything from Peruvian and Indian classical music to the slightly less traditional noise of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. It is no wonder, therefore, that when young Cédric grew to be a man and a fully fledged musician himself, he took influence from a mix of different genres, eras, cultures and countries, making his style of music almost impossible to box off.

A founding member of the “The Mondrians,” Streuli’s musical career began in an indie rock band. Subsequent to playing in the band — formed in his native Switzerland —, the drummer ventured off on his own, flourishing into the moniker of Buvette and working solo from a small garage in the Swiss Mountains. After a few years of recording and performing, he attracted the attention of French label Pan European, and moved to Paris to work on his 2016 album, Elasticity. Now, Buvette is giving us a teaser of his second album, which is set to release next year.

“True Stories” is a funky mix of drum machines and synthesisers, accompanied by whimsical lyrics and a catchy melody reminiscent of a different time. Working closely with producer, Apollo Noir, Buvette aims to “balance pop with cosmic syntheses” on this record, deliberately using analog equipment and injecting a further sense of 80s nostalgia to the mix. Upholding the theme of non-computerised automation, director, Charles Nègre’s coinciding video release is also made using analog equipment. Shot completely on film – the hazy pastel palette seen as a result certainly complements the dreamlike tone of the tune, and the consistent apparition of our main man’s face poolside and in eggs and flowers adds to the surreal atmosphere of the song.

Words by Clare Davies

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