Bristol-based electronic artist A/B (aka Andrew Binnie) releases Peachy N. The single and music video from his debut LP “bloodtype” out October 2nd. His work explores both the synthetic and the natural world, fusing a compilation of sounds ranging from field recordings from his travels with deep, bright synths. The very impressive minecraft, meets 80s Sci-Fi, music video was also created by Binnie who earlier this year taught himself computer animation!”I used Blender 2.8 (free) to build the 3D animations, and Da Vinci Resolve (also free!) to edit it together. I taught myself how to build the models, how to make armatures, the texturing, the fluid simulation, keyframing by cherry picking what I needed from the plethora of YouTube tutorials available. You can use nodes to achieve certain things as well, like the pixelated low resolution look, which I discovered on Reddit. There was a lot of trial and error at the beginning, and waiting for simulations to bake, and animations to render, waking up at 2am to check it had come out right, before realising I had forgotten to check a box. It was a good learning experience for me, cos I’d been putting off this kind of thing for a while. There are plenty of things I’d change – of course it’s not perfect! However I feel good about possibly taking it further, but in a more ambiguous, stripped back, and mutated direction. ”

In the album “bloodtype”, Binnie immerses himself in his own musical DNA as he journeys through the sounds that have most affected him and influenced his own style over the years. He describes PEACHY N as “An ode to all things with a satisfying curvature”.

The album is released 2nd October via Berlin’s Musclemilk Records.

You can follow A/B here:




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