Every once in a blue moon a summoning together of many like minds creates beautiful things. This month we harvest the many gems from the local Berlin music scene with Better Person who releases his touching “Something to Lose” LP.  Just a  looking for love in his single “Painting the Moment” – the new solo project of The Germans From Germany singer and guitarist, Stefan Bürgermeister. Power disco femme fetale due Ultraflex who also release their debut LP “Visions of Ultraflex”. Experimental electronica lady du jour, Yosa Peit, and Luis Ake who teams up with Moscow-based Dima Midborn to create a dreamy kraut-pop hit with “Hey Du/Эй, Ты”.

Prepare to get your mystic on and travel through the equinox.

This months cover artwork was created by London-based illustrator and animator Sacha Beeley.

Hey, Sacha tell us a bit about where are you from where you grew up?

I’m grew up in a small village near Chippenham in the South West but now I’m based in London.

Where did you study?

I did an art foundation course in France and then went on to do my BA in French and Italian at Bristol University, where I did lots of drawing and a couple of small illustration jobs as a hobby. Afterwards I did an MA in Character Animation at Central Saint Martins which I really loved, and have been animating and illustrating ever since.

What are you inspired by?

I listen to a lot of music while I work which helps with the inspiration particularly with my animation work. Visually I was influenced by the Simpsons growing up and since my MA I’ve really enjoyed watching classic experimental animations although I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface and there’s tons more I need to watch. I remember watching the music video for Tom Tom Club Genius of Love by Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton for the first time at uni and it’s still a big inspiration 🙂

When did I start illustrating?

I started doing very small illustration jobs during my BA but to be honest I only started really developing my own work over the last year or two.

What is the most underrated part of your job?

It would probably be the really relaxing parts of a project which is the colouring. Particularly with animation, the colouring in stage takes a long time even if its digital, and can be pretty mindless, but on the plus side it’s like a relaxing reward after the design work and animation stage where you have to be constantly coming up with ideas. As for my illustration work, I try really hard to keep it as digital-free as possible simply because I find it so therapeutic to draw and colour on paper!

Follow Sacha Beeley here:


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