This Easter weekend spring has sprung & so too we come bearing gifts in the form of new tripped out tunes from Copyright Linda Fox, synthetic explorations of echo chambers and what dreams are made from Berlin-based Discovery Zone, moments of luck, love and electronically dowsed r’n’b with Grip Tight & the Post Coital blues delicately woven on piano by Special-K.


This months cover artwork comes from Berlin-based illustrator Mikko Heino. We had a chat to him about veggie burgers, series he’s been streaming, skater culture & more….


When did you move to Berlin from Finland and what made you move?

I moved to Berlin about five years ago. Just felt like I needed a change of scenery and I wanted to concentrate fully on illustration and art and felt like Berlin would be the right place. Haven’t regretted my decision.

Which comics and cartoons have been instrumental in keeping your love of illustration alive?

Oh there’s so many. He-Man, The Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy, Mad magazine. There was also this comic in Finland when I was a kid called “Myrkky” (Poison) – lot of fart and boner jokes in that, it made a big impression on my younger self. The list goes on…

Are you a skateboarder & describe what skater culture is like?

Yeah, it’s great. Hahah! I don’t know how to describe it, it’s a culture I grew up in. Skate videos, board graphics, etc. had a huge impact on me, the music I listen to, the art I like, friends, everything.

If you were a color what color would you be?

Hmm, don’t know… I use a lot of bright colors in my work but dress mostly in black… so grey maybe?

What’s 1 meal that you’ve been making a lot whilst self-isolating?

Veggie burgers. Been trying out all of these Beyond Burger-inspired products, every grocery store has their own. Name-wise my favourite so far is the “Next Level Hack”. But the best veggie burger patties so far are the ones I make myself. To be honest my girlfriend makes them, I just fry them.

What series have you been streaming…

There’s three series that I’ve binged: Tiger King, Better Call Saul and Terrace House. Nothing really happens on Terrace House and it’s pretty much the best thing to watch in these times.

For more Mikko Heino follow him here:



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