Danish knitwear label Nith springs into our orbs with their colorful, bold and alternative interpretation of knitwear.

As we dig deeper into the 21st century, sustainability in fashion rises as a key player when it comes to ways that we can all take part in helping preserve our environment and make the changes that we need to start implementing on the consumer level.

We catch up with Nico Golden and Thelma Steinman of Nith to find out about the importance of creating different sized goals for your brand. Inspiration, mood board, to production: how Nith garments come together, and we answer the age old question – if knitting and quilting were in a wrestling match, who would win?


Sustainability is the big it word as we are diving full throttle into the 21st century. What is it about knitting that you love so much?


We are both very fascinated by the overall craftsmanship of knit! Although it is a time consuming craft, it is also hugely meditative and satisfying to create and see something come to life. Knit is an old tradition and has a long heritage, in our case we love to take something old and granny-ish and give it a modern twist – in terms of colors, shape and expression.


You and Thelma met at KEA (Copenhagen School of Design and Technology), what did you both major in and how did you get into fashion?


We both found our way to the fashion world very early on. Thelma grew up in Iceland and has been able to knit since she was little, she also worked for several brands in Iceland and in Denmark before starting at KEA. My fascination with fashion and personal expression started early as well. As a teen I started styling and assisting at Copenhagen Fashion Week which later allowed me to go freelance while also studying sustainability at KEA. Sustainable fashion is the core of our education and a vital part of our brand.

Name 3 designers/artists that you are inspired by and why?

Kaffe Fassett in terms of colors and patterns! He is a guru in the knitting world! We also love the colors of the Missoni universe, they are so iconic! And then we love the German artist Markus Linnenbrink and Picasso because and their way of using contrast and mixing colors! Very vivid, expressive and vibrant. Just like NiTH!


Take us through your artistic process… what does a typical day in your studio look like and how long does it generally take you to complete one garment?

Our process is analogue and very tactile. We always start with inspiration by creating a mood board to create a direction. Then we sketch and make samples to try out different color combinations and yarns. This design development process is very important to us. When we are satisfied with the overall design idea and have agreed on colors and shape, Thelma begins to make a prototype. Since we have such a thorough thought-out process, the more advanced styles are often knitted directly from idea to product.

What’s the best piece of advice that you could share to other designers about growing their brand?

Be courageous and take risks. Make sure you make a business plan for the near future, since we never know what can happen. Don’t ever compromise your vision, it’s important to create different size goals for your brand. A small achievement can fuel a lot of creativity and growth too. Make sure to stand out – spend time creating refined, creative and vibrant content. That will for sure up your business!


What’s the first knitted garment that you ever created?

The first ever knitted item was actually the Yolandi sweater we did as a part of the pre-drop we did before our official launch. It’s fun to see how we have evolved and expanded throughout our first year. A lot has happened.

Who would you most like to dress in NiTH?

It has to be someone who likes to express themselves through fashion, and someone who is not afraid of taking risks! We would love to see Sita Bellan, Harry Styles, Billie Eilish or Olly Alexander in NiTH. But we also have to say that we absolutely love to see all amazing #nithpeople wearing our styles on the streets and on social media. It still gives us a rush every time.


Share your favorite breakfast recipe with us…

Since knitting is a big part of our everyday lives, it needs to be easy and fast for both of us. A fresh smoothie with a metal straw, an avocado, and most importantly… Coffee!

Both of us are coffee fanatics! Since we are often tied up – we need a good booster now and then! And something that doesn’t demand us using both our hands.


If knitting and quilting were in a wrestling match, who would win and who would their supporters be?

Both are super cool crafts in their own way! But knitting would win, all our NiTH is done by hand only. And remember hand (rock) always wins over scissor.

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