“In Luck” the new single from Berlin-based producer and vocalist GRIP TIGHT emerges right in time today as we sink into a new age that urges change. While we all sit at home practicing social distancing, using our time to read more books, listen to more music, make more art, and to reflect and support one and other. Ahem… We awake this morning all puffy eyed to find small blessings like Bandcamp waiving all their revenue share on songs by artists in a bid to support musicians impacted by the cancelation of tours and live shows due to Corona virus.  So today if you are anything like us and are craving a little bit of love and support, put your headphones on and listen to the new single from our favorite London born, Berlin based producer and vocalist GRIP TIGHT as he shares a song about the importance of love and a little bit of luck.

Having self released a series of early tracks online, collaborations, remix work and tours followed with artists as diverse as Ian Chang (Son Lux, Moses Sumney), Peggy Sue and Joan As Police Woman. GRIP TIGHT (real name Benjamin Luke Gregory), re-located to Germany in 2018 to set up his studio in Marzahn in Berlin’s former east where he’s spent much of the last year writing and recording tracks for his debut album, scheduled for release in Autumn 2020 on Reveal Records.

Today we sit down and have a virtual chat to find out what the writing and recording process of a solo musician is like, and we ask for all the tips and tricks for getting by during these weird, weird earthly times…

How long did it take you to complete “In Luck” & what is your writing recording process like?

This one came together quite quickly, I posted a little video of me playing it in the studio the day I wrote it and the finished version hasn’t changed too much from that. Just a few more layers. Some songs need more nurturing, “In Luck” just wanted to flow and float on so I was happy to oblige.

Aside from being a musician you are also a sound engineer… how did you get into that and is there one thing that most musicians do whilst sound checking that they should stop?

I used to live in Brighton and one day I went to a venue called Pressure Point and asked the sound engineer Andy if he needed any help setting up microphones and stands and things. I don’t think he did, but he was kind and didn’t mind me turning up a few nights a week and hanging around. I did this for a while until they started to pay me.

I guess everyone is different when it comes to soundcheck, I’ve met people who’d rather not do it all and people who want to play every song from their set 15 times in different keys, tempos and languages. The answer lies somewhere in between.

Image by Beatrice Poole

What is on your list of must-haves whilst touring?

This has definitely changed over time. I remember situations when finding a bath towel or a curtain to use as a blanket was pretty important. Now I’m more into beds and hotels.

What’s one thing that you hate that everyone else loves?

This is a very difficult question…

3 things you are doing to entertain yourself during the Corona virus lockdown

(1) YouTube yoga (hey Adriene!)
(2) Sticking my head out the window to feel a little sunshine
(3) Converting the kitchen into a music venue so I can play a live stream show this Saturday for Lockdown Festival. It’s cool to see how people are adapting and evolving to the situation and the positive collaborations that are coming out of it.

You can follow & support GRIP TIGHT here:






AUTUMN UK Tour dates:

22.09 | Brighton, Green Door Store
24.09 | Sheffield, Picture House Social
25.09 | Manchester, Kings Arms
28.09 | Glasgow, Hug & Pint
29.09 | Leeds, Hyde Park Book Club
01.10 | Cardiff, Clwb Ifor Bach
02.10 | Bristol, Louisiana SOLD OUT
04.10 | Birmingham, Hare & Hounds

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