On the eve of the release of Yorgos Lanthimos’s latest (read: biggest) feature film “The Killing of a Sacred Deer”, we take a look back at one of our staff favorites – “The Lobster”.

If you are one of the lucky people who is no stranger to some of Lanthimos’s work – then adjectives such as quirky and disturbing would come as no surprise to you. In the film “The Lobster” we see Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz join forces starring as the leads, and without saying too much (because admittedly, it is just one of those – “watch it! Trust me!” moments) the story is definitely off-center… It mixes elements of futuristic fantasy with comedic satire to highlight our modern world values – particularly in relation to the institution of marriage, relationships and love. This all in addition to the absolute pleasure it is to watch a film which holds a strong auteur stamp – words that aren’t so frequently used in conjunction with films these days. Are all reasons that make Lanthimos a true rare find and indeed one young film director to keep on keeping your eye out for.

Rating: Four MAI monsters. We recommend “The Lobster” as a film to put on your “Movies to see in future” list when you are between beers at the bar.

Written by Marijana Jocic